メールマガジン・OFIX NEWS



OFIX News is a quarterly magazine sent out by OFIX in two languages, Japanese and English. The magazine is printed or sent by email. It includes information about international exchange programs organized by OFIX and Osaka Prefecture, as well as the latest information about international exchange.

最新号・Latest Issue




We will release the English version of Vol. 111 at a later date.

バックナンバー・Back Numbers

※それ以前のOFIX NEWSについてご覧になりたい方は、info@ofix.or.jpまでご連絡ください。Please contact us if you wish to check out a previous issue of OFIX NEWS that is not listed here.






The OFIX e-newsletter is sent out by OFIX monthly. 

OFIX e-newsletter is perfect for international students, people who have visited or are schedule to visit Osaka for business or pleasure, foreign residents in Osaka etc. 

Subscription is free. 

Please read the Privacy Policy below before subscribing.

ご登録中の方・For Subscribers

  • 配信停止を希望する方はこちらより配信停止手続きを行なってください。
  • If you wish to unsubscribe, please visit here.

個人情報の取り扱い(プライバシーポリシー)について・Privacy Policy

大阪府国際交流財団(OFIX) では、登録者の個人情報の保護について、細心の注意を払います。ここでは、「OFIXメールマガジン」のプライバシーポリシーについて説明します。

The Osaka Foundation of International Exchange (OFIX) pays the utmost attention to the protection of subscriber information. This agreement describes the privacy policy of the OFIX e-newsletter.
By subscribing to the OFIX e-newsletter, you are considered to have accepted the terms and conditions listed in this agreement.

1. 登録に必要な情報Information Required for Subscription


In order to subscribe to the OFIX e-newsletter, you are required to register your name and email address etc. We also ask for optional information, such as type of registration (individual or group/ organization), background and interests.

2. 登録された情報の利用Use of Registered Information


Information regarding your gender and age will exclusively be used for statistical purposes to compile demographic information.
Information such as your email address, country of residence, background, and interests may be used occasionally to send you relevant information related to international exchange outside of the email newsletter.

3. 登録された情報の開示・Disclosure of Registered Information


Registered information will not be disclosed to or provided to a third party unless required by law.

4. 登録の解除及び登録内容の変更Unsubscribe and Change Registered Information


Subscribers may unsubscribe at anytime. To change your registered personal information, please visit the “Change of Registered Information” screen.

OFIX公式SNS/OFIX Social Media

SNS運用方針・Social Media Guidelines


Osaka Foundation of International Exchange
〒540-0029 大阪市中央区本町橋2-5 マイドームおおさか5階
5th Floor, MyDome Osaka, 2-5 Hommachibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 540-0029
TEL:06-6966-2400 FAX:06-6966-2401