3月無料相談会/ Free Consultations in March


(English, 中文, 한국·조선어, Português, Español, ไทย, Filipino, Tiếng Việt, Indonesia, नेपाली)

1. 労働相談【要予約】
方法:対面 / 電話 / オンライン(ZOOM)
内容:仕事のトラブル、契約、規則、賃金、職場の人間関係 など

2. 弁護士相談【要予約】
方法:対面 / 電話 / オンライン(ZOOM)
内容:人権、家族の問題(離婚、子ども、DV、相談など)、契約トラブル、事故・犯罪 など

3. 臨床心理士相談【要予約】
日時: 3月23日(日) 13:30-16:30
方法: 対面
内容: 悩みがあるのに話す人がいない、心がつらい など

4. 入管相談【要予約】
日時:3月26日(水) 13:30~17:30
方法:対面 / 電話 / オンライン(ZOOM)

イベントカレンダー・Event Calendar

OFIX offers monthly free and confidential consultations with specialists on labor, legal issues,
personal mental issues, and resident status/visa.
Interpretation services are available in English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai,
Filipino, Vietnamese, Indonesian and Nepali.
An appointment is required.
Below is the schedule for March:

1. Labor Consultation (Appointment required)
Date & Time: Mon. March 3, 13:30 – 17:30
Mon. March 17, 13:30 – 17:30
Thu. March 27, 18:00 – 20:00
Method: In person, by phone or online
Consultant: Officials from the Osaka Prefectural Labor Consultation Center
Topics: Labor issues including wages, dismissal, resignation, working hours, contracts, and sexual/power harassment.

2. Legal Consultation (Appointment required)
Date & Time: Fri. March 21, 18:00 – 21:00
Method: In person, by phone or online
Consultant: Lawyer
Topics: Legal matters including divorce, child custody, human rights, domestic violence,
trouble at workplace, consumer affairs, and crimes/accidents.

3. Certified Clinical Psychologist Consultation (Appointment required)
Date & Time: Sun. March 23, 13:30 – 16:30
Method: In person
Specialist: Certified clinical psychologist
Topics: Wishing to have someone hear about your worries, having a mentally tough time, etc.

4. Immigration Consultation (Appointment required)
Date & Time: Wed. March 26, 13:30 – 17:30
Method: In person, by phone or online
Consultant: Officials from Osaka Regional Immigration Bureau
Topics: Immigration matters, including residence status

For details, please check the Event Calendar.
イベントカレンダー・Event Calendar