通訳がいます(English, 中文, 한국·조선어, Português, Español, ไทย, Filipino, Tiếng Việt, Indonesia, नेपाली)。
1. 労働相談【要予約】
日時: 8月5日(月)13:30-17:30
方法: 対面 / 電話 / オンライン(ZOOM)
内容: 仕事のトラブル、契約、規則、賃金、職場の人間関係 など
2. 臨床心理士(心の)相談【要予約】
日時: 8月23日(金) 18:00-21:00
方法: 対面
内容: 悩みがあるのに話す人がいない、心がつらい など
3. 弁護士相談【要予約】
日時: 8月25日(日)13:30-16:30
方法: 対面 / 電話 / オンライン(ZOOM)
内容: 人権、家族の問題(離婚、子ども、DV、相談など)、契約トラブル、事故・犯罪 など
日時: 8月28日(水) 13:30-17:30
方法: 対面 / 電話 / オンライン(ZOOM)
内容: 在留資格(ビザ)など
OFIX offers monthly free and confidential consultations on labor, legal, and rvisa issues with specialists. Interpretation services are available in English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Filipino, Vietnamese, Indonesian and Nepali.
Below is the schedule for August:
1. Labor Consultation (Appointment required)
Date & Time: Mon, August 5, 1:30 – 5:30pm
Mon, August 19, 1:30 – 5:30pm
Method: In person, by phone or online
Consultant: Officials from the Osaka Prefectural Labor Consultation Center
Topics: Labor issues including wages, dismissal, resignation, working hours, contracts,
and sexual/power harassment.
2. Certified Clinical Psychologist Consultation (Appointment required)
Date & Time: Fri, August 23, 6:00 – 9:00pm
Method: In person
Consultant: Certified clinical psychologist
Topics: Wishing to have someone hear about your worries, having a mentally tough time, etc.
3. Legal Consultation (Appointment required)
Date & Time: Fri, Sun, August 25, 1:30 – 4:30pm
Method: In person, by phone or online
Consultant: Lawyer
Topics: Legal matters including divorce, child custody, human rights, domestic violence,
trouble at workplace, consumer affairs, and crimes/accidents.
4. Immigration Consultation (Appointment required)
Date & Time: Wed, August 28, 1:30 – 5:30pm
Method: In person, by phone or online
Specialist: Officials from Osaka Regional Immigration Bureau
Topics:Immigration matters, including residence status
For details please check the Event Calendar.
イベントカレンダー・Event Calendar