Please beware of suspicious emails and SMS messages purporting to be from the National Tax Agency. The National Tax Agency (including the Regional Taxation Bureau and Tax Offices) will not send emails or SMS messages about notifications or payments, therefore please do not open any of these emails or SMS messages.
请注意自称来自国税厅的可疑电子邮件和 SMS。国税厅(包括国税局和税务署)不会通过电子邮件或短信提供信息或付款通知,因此,如果您收到可疑的电子邮件或 SMS,请注意不要点击它们。
国税庁をかたった不審なメールやSMSにご注意ください/Beware of suspicious emails and SMS messages purporting to be from the National Tax Agency/请注意自称来自国税厅的可疑电子邮件和 SMS